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    PO Box: 2416, Safat- 13025, Kuwait

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Rank has a long-standing HSE commitment to the highest standards for the health and safety of our employees, customers, and contractors as well as to the protection of the environment in the communities in which we live and work.

Sharing Best Practices

Rank has a long-standing commitment to share best practices through HSE technical papers and other means and is a recognized industry leader in HSE performance.

HSE Management System

The Rank HSE Management System defines the principles by which we conduct our operations with regards to health, safety, and the environment. Management communicates the HSE philosophy to all employees, customers, contractors, and third parties associated with our business, and each department in the organization providing positive evidence of conformance to the system.

The HSE Management System model comprises eight interrelated components:

  • • commitment and leadership and accountability
  • • policies and objectives
  • • organization and resources
  • • contractor and supplier management
  • • risk management
  • • business processes
  • • performance monitoring and improvement
  • • audits and reviews

These are continuously improved by conformance checks:

  • • on day-to-day standards and procedures (controls)
  • • on the management system (correction)
  • • through modifications to the management system (improvement)